Somatic Movement Education Program – Nervous System Module

Wildheart 183 East Road, Wallkill, NY, United States

Experience first occurs on the cellular level. The nervous system is the recording system of the body. It records our experiences and organizes them into patterns. It can then recall the experience and modify it by integrating it with patterns of other systems and previous experiences. The nervous system is the last to know, but, once knowing, it becomes a major control center of psychophysical processes. It can initiate the learning of new experience through creativity and play. The nervous system underlies alertness, thought, and precision of coordination and establishes the perceptual base from which we view and interact with our internal and external worlds.

3/8 - 3/16/25 (days off 3/11 & 3/12)

Somatic Movement Education Program – Endocrine System Module

Wildheart 183 East Road, Wallkill, NY, United States

The endocrine glands are the major chemical governing system of the body and are closely aligned with the nervous system. Their secretions pass directly into the blood stream and their balance or imbalance influences all of the cells in the body. The glands are the keystone between the organs and the nervous system and between the nervous system and the fluids. They create crystalline psychophysical states through which we are able to experience and understand the universal aspect of self. This is the system of internal stillness, surges or explosions of chaos/balance and the crystallization of energy into archetypal experiences. The endocrine glands underlie intuition and the perceiving and understanding of the Universal Mind.

3/19 - 3/24/25 (days off 3/21)

Somatic Movement Education Program – Muscles Module

Wildheart 183 East Road, Wallkill, NY, United States

The muscles establish a tensile three-dimensional grid for the balanced support and movement of the skeletal structure by providing the elastic forces that move the bones through space. They provide the dynamic contents of the outer envelope of flesh encompassing the skeletal structure. Through this system we embody our vitality, express our power, and engage in the dialogue of resistance and resolution.

10/10 - 10/20/25 (days off 10/13 & 10/17)

Somatic Movement Education Program – Professional Issues & SME Competency

Wildheart 183 East Road, Wallkill, NY, United States

Completion of other SME courses is a prerequisite. Time is spent considering what it means to be a professional and how do you transition into this role? This course will cover some of the important issues facing professionals in the somatic field.

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